Here we are folks! You asked and we delivered as promised.
We present you the newest and most comprehensive Auction House UIs on the market.
New Features
• Eye catching and user-friendly interface
• Added an Upgrade menu to increase the number of auction slots you can own
• Added requirements like Money to Balance your Economy.
Our pack is designed to be versatile and easy to understand by players.
This resource contains:
• 7 New GUI + Icons Textures
• 1 Animated textures
• Template for item description
• zAuction House config
This pack contains configurations for the following plugins:
• zAuction House Configuration
• ItemsAdder Configuration
• Oraxen Configuration (Coming in the next update)
• DeluxeMenu Configuration
• zAuction House latest jar
• PlaceholderAPI jar
• Itemsadder Or Oraxen Or None
1. Make a backup of your server files
2. Drag and Drop the Itemsadder files or Oraxen files into the Plugin list directory
3. Drag and Drop the DeluxeMenu folder in the Plugin list directory
4. Drag and Drop the zAuction House plugin folder of your choice in the Plugin list directory
5. Add the menu definitions from the ReadMe to DeluxeMenu Config.yml (if you got the Upgrade Extension)
6. Reload zAuction House
7. Reload your respective plugins (/iazip or /o reload pack and /papi reload) and restart your server
Check out the README.txt file in the pack for more info
With much love
We made this resource with lots of love and patience.
Thank you for supporting us in any way possible
Terms of Service
• The review section is not for reporting bugs or suggestions.
• If the resource is leaked or redistributed and it's registered under your name, I am allowed to remove you from buyers list without a warning. You are responsible for your purchase and copy of the product.
• All purchases are final, no refunds.
• The price of the product will change with respect to updates and economy changes.
• You do not redistribute this config.